01634 294847
Covid 19, Betacove, Suppliers & Customers
Betacove Covid 19 Policy Statement and compliancy forms
Covid 19 Risk Assessment & Method Statement (RAMS)
On site today were your teams Covid 19 Safe?
Contractors Covid 19 site update form. This form is to be used if you subcontractors apps are not available
Covid 19 Risk
Hazard: Inhalation, absorption or ingestion of contaminated droplets.
Risk: Contracting or passing on to others the virus known as COVID-19.
Basic Mitigation
It is essential that our operatives confirm they are well and free from the virus, or symptoms of the virus as far as is reasonably practicable prior to starting a working shift (where this is possible, if the operatives have a digital thermometer or similar, they should record their temperature and ensure it is within the normal range 36.1 – 37.2° C).
Operatives are not to report for work should they live with others who are self-isolating or are particularly vulnerable and require shielding.
Vehicle-sharing is not considered acceptable for these works, unless two-metres distance can be maintained (consider wearing of FFP 3 masks as a secondary measure).
Where possible, safe access arrangements should be made prior to the visit.
Operatives are not to enter any property where signs are posted that identify shielding or self-isolation within the property.
Operatives to ensure hands have been cleaned, are to wear FFP3 masks (face-fit tested) and surgical or rubber type gloves (or gloves over surgical gloves for protection against damage), knock the door, stand two metres back and ask the resident if it is safe to enter (i.e. there is no person with symptoms, in self-isolation or shielding of people). Where FORCE-8 masks are used clean filters with anti- bacterial wipes at the end of each shift.
Where it has been deemed safe to enter, residents should move back and follow the two-metre social distance requirement. Should a resident refuse to do so, then the operative has the right to abandon the visit.
Wherever possible, operatives should look to keep the working area isolated from others and residents should remove themselves completely from the working area; or at the very least maintain two-metre distance. Erect warning signage of works where practicable.
Operatives are not to accept food or drink from residents. Avoid unnecessary contact.
Operatives are to avoid touching the mouth, nose and eyes unless they have clean hands.
Where practicable operatives should wipe down surfaces to be touched or worked-on with anti-bacterial wipes or similar.
Following completion of the work, operatives should wipe down any surfaces and clean debris away prior to confirmation to the resident that they are leaving.
Wipe clean any tools or equipment used.
Remove gloves, RPE (last) and PPE and place in a bag for disposal. Clean hands.