01634 294847

Betacove Professional Services Ltd
Strategic business support and management services
Working predominantly in the facilities and services industry, we are focused towards leading business transformations and business growth. This has typically meant, assessing business strengths and weaknesses and bringing together holistic planning strategies through numerous solutions including:
•Construction and delivery of company business plans
•Bidding strategies in Social Housing, FM, Insurance Reinstatement and General Building & Maintenance
•Technologies and the adoption and mobilisation of new business systems,
•Staff restructures, development, inclusion, training and succession planning,
•Customer strategies and business development
•Service delivery, compliancy, performance measures and reputation enhancement
•Focused on cash and bottom line margins, budget setting and delivery and P&L
•Development of short, medium and long term business planning monitoring and delivery
My experience brings together skills in Social Housing Asset Management, Responsive & Planned Repairs, Value Engineering, Mechanical & Electrical Contracting, Mobile Workforces, Cost Management, Customer Relationships and Business Development,
Planning and Delivery
Rosebud Preserves
Business Support Management
Betacove Professional Services prepares and helps support all the business planning, management and data analytics. From developing the business plans to profit and performance management
PCS Electrical Contractors
August 2019 to Ongoing
Acting as chairman of the Board for PCS, I support the Managing Director, Directors and Senior Management Team in achieving their goals and growth plans.
London Borough of Lambeth
April 2020 to Ongoing
Working with the London Borough of Lambeth to support their procurement of their Responsive Repairs, Voids, Cyclical Maintenance, Gas Servicing, Electrical Maintenance and Communal Area Direct Labour Organisation Business.
Places for People
May 2020 to Ongoing
Review and report on the in-house Direct Labour Organisation.