01634 294847
3. Safety First
January, 2021 Key Performance Measurements
Betacove always put health and safety FIRST
Customers, staff and the general public are centric throughout our Heath, Safety & Environmental Planning. Betacove Operates a non nonsense to our site safety. We measure, monitor and deliver safe sites and our proud of our commitment to safety and the environment
​Betacove Limited is fully committed to the promotion and implementation of effective health and safety policies and procedures throughout the business.
Safety First at Betacove
Working collectively with employees, it is the Company’s intention to safeguard the health, safety and welfare of all those affected by our operations.
Betacove Limited policies and procedures provide a framework for the identification and management of significant risks through preventative/protective measures where such risks are unable to be eliminated. In addition, we will ensure that our operations are carried out in accordance with legislation and we will strive towards achieving best practice.
The effectiveness of the health & safety system is the subject of regular reviews by senior management. Flowing from these reviews are training programmes, when required, plus the identification of measurable objectives and targets that are set to aid the planning and continual improvement of the Company’s health & safety procedures, thus ensuring that Betacove Limited maintains a reputation for innovation and outstanding performance.
The application of our health and safety policies and procedures are the personal responsibility of everyone involved in the business. Employees and members of our supply chain are expected to co-operate and assist in the implementation of this policy, whilst ensuring that their own works, so far as is reasonably practicable, are carried out without risk to themselves or others. Individuals are encouraged to understand their responsibilities and assist in the implementation and improvement of the whole process.
continual improvement of the Company’s health & safety procedures, thus ensuring that Betacove Limited maintains a reputation for innovation and outstanding performance.